How long has it been since you laughed until tears ran down your cheeks – happy tears? Laughter is not only good for the soul it is good for your health. Laughter releases endorphins known as “feel good” hormones. Laughter reduces stress and lowers your blood pressure. Laughter is a good kind of contagious.
Picture a situation on a commuter train. A man laughs at something he is reading. People around him start to smile, then someone laughs out loud. Others join in until there are booming laughs, high pitched laughs, hiccup like laughs and people trying to hold their laughter in behind their hands. Laughter is contagious and for a time those people are united. They have no idea what the man was laughing at, it doesn’t matter. In that
moment they are freed of their worries and smiles linger as the separate to go on their own ways.
As children we laugh and giggle at the least whim. There is something about a little kid giggle that brings a smile to our own faces. We marvel at the unconscious joy of childhood. Children have no noise governors, so they shout out their delight at whatever set them off.
When I was a child we went to my aunt’s house every week for Sunday dinner (noon). My cousin Michael and I were so glad to see each other. We would separate from the younger cousins and sit in the front porch swing. We would laugh and giggle and just be happy to be together. The adults were in the living room laughing about their own topics and
watching the football game. We laughed through a lot of Sundays. Children then were blissfully unaware of world news. We were safe in our world of childhood friendships
Most of us remember Charlie Brown and his dog Snoopy. Snoopy was a very happy dog and prone to doing a “happy dance”. In the cartoon there was sometimes a conversation bubble over him that said “Heh, heh, heh”. That’s dog laughter. I think most dogs laugh, especially at their humans. Their antics make us laugh. My dog, Cotton, frequently does a
“happy dance”. He tosses his toys around and “talks” to me to get me to play. Yes, he makes me laugh.
As we get older the easy laughter doesn’t always come as easily. Today there are a multitude of TV stations that stress the negative and have no qualms about spreading misinformation. People are stressed and worried about the future. When was the last time you looked past your worries and just gave yourself up to the pure joy of laughter? It’s contagious. People around you will start to laugh and the whole room will lighten up. There may be worries in the world but there is still plenty of things to smile and laugh about.
So put on your Depends for safety and do a “Happy Dance” while you
laugh until you —! Life is still good.

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2 Responses to LAUGHTER

  1. Jackie Jones says:

    This is so good Ruby
    and so true. Life is short, laugh and dance everyday.

  2. Fred W Prout says:

    My friend Harry Wartzenal once told me ”
    The second best thing you can do every day is Laugh. The first best thing is to make someone else Laugh. “

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