How does This Park Operate

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4 Responses to How does This Park Operate

  1. Sharon Elliott says:

    Barbara thank you for this article. It wasn’t always like what you have described. The meeting, in the past, might last 15 to 20 minutes. Your more recent board decided the Agenda meeting should be where subjects are looked at in depth and where our members could question and contribute prior to decision making board meetings. I’m glad we are achieving the goal.
    Sharon Elliott.

  2. Rick De Young Lot 184 says:

    Congratulations on an excellent article, Barbara. I would add that the Board often does – and often should – refer matters brought to them for further consideration by an appropriate committee of the membership, for example the Bylaws Committee. When that happens, the quality of member participation improves, because more of our Co-op members get involved AND they are often less intimidated than speaking up in front of the Board. IF WE WANT THE PARK TO OPERATE HOW WE WISH, WE ALL NEED TO PARTICIPATE. Timber Valley is a great place to live; especially if you participate!

  3. Sue Eytalis says:

    Thanks for posting this Barbara. The Agenda is a business meeting with the board. Members bring issues that the board should know about and solve. These issues are either referred to a committee or put on the agenda for the upcoming board meeting. I encourage everyone who can to attend the Agenda meeting on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 9 a.m. and the Board Meeting held the 3rd Thusday of the month at 9 a.m. If you attend you will hear about things that you didn’t even know were going on in the Park.
    Some members have expressed to me that we hold a town hall meeting. A town hall meeting is usually a gathering of politicians or officials who gather to discuss issues with a town. Such a “town hall meeting” was held years back and I heard it was successful. So maybe the members could come up with a different title for a discussion group. There should be no arguing, no voting, no politics, no videoing, etc at such a get together. Just a casual get together where people can discuss our community park and their likes, concerns and ideas. Just getting together without it being a meeting or a committee may be what we need. So who wants to step up and hold an informal discussion group?

  4. Patti Healey lot 117 says:

    Excellent letter. This informal meeting , work session/agenda setting, is the time and place to get the correct information and ask questions. Also, it’s in our Bylaws, page 19. Plan to attend to learn and support our park. Good job Barb.

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