You did it!!! Congratulations!!

The New Years Day football themed fundraiser party was a huge success. The goal was to raise money and collect goods for the Sutherlin Food Pantry. Together we raised $1117.39 and 625 pounds of food was collected.

A great team of talented SKPs pulled together to have a fun day of football, games and food (oh yes don’t forget the food). Chef Denis made the chili and hot dogs with members and guests bringing all kinds of goodies.

Those who came early watched the Rose Parade. Thanks to Richard Hickethier it was
commercial free.

I would like to thank the many volunteers who made this possible.

Sincerely, Joy Stalnaker

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2 Responses to You did it!!! Congratulations!!

  1. Suzi Rupert says:

    So proud of you all; Great Job!!

  2. Dar Hoch says:

    Another great example of how Timber Valley supports our Sutherlin community and have fun at the same time. A wonderful idea Joy! Thank you for organizing it.

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