The Ad-Hoc Committee on Lot Relinquishment has generated proposed Procedures for Lot Relinquishment, Exchange and Trade. Park members and the Board will be discussing this at the next Board Agenda Meeting in November.
A link to this draft document is available on the Member’s Only Page under the Board heading. You can download and print it from there. Alternatively, you can get a copy at the Office if you’d prefer. All of the proposed changes are underlined.
Since we are not in the park now and cannot pick it up in the office it would be nice if it were emailed to members not there.
First statement of the document States: in accordance with the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations and standing practices of the Corporation.
Where can I find standing practices of the Corporation, needs to be reviewed to determine if this documents follows such practices.
First paragraph; refers to lot park standards, is this a reference to the PARK STANDARDS FOR ALL LOTS AT TIMBER VALLY SKP PARK, document dated 12/13/18 signed by the then president of the board and Park Manager. If so it should be referenced so to reduce any confusion or ambiguity.
note; other paragraplhs in this document refers to Park Standards so the above document should be referenced in the lead in statement.
Just a general note; do all Escapee Parks go through this complicated procedure to give up a lot or exchange a lot.
Please supply the current document, also. It is necessary to have the current document for comparison, especially with such an important document. A year ago the Board requested that all documents coming to them for review and approval be accompanied by the current document, the proposed draft document highlighting crossed-out words, additions, and changes. If there are a lot of changes, supply what the final proposed draft document would look like. Not being able to make the comparison has led to controversy.
from the editor; Thank You All for your comments. We’ve now included a copy of the current Lot Relinquishment Document that includes the proposed changes. Hope this helps. Thanks again.
As a long time resident, former Board member, present Chair of our Bylaws Committee, I respectfully suggest that the proposed revisions to the guidelines for lot relinquishment and lot exchanges are too complicated for a meaningful review, and extensive revisions of existing procedures in the proposed manner.
In addition to the valid questions posed by John and Laura Fie, and suggestions by others, I would ask:
1. Who are members of the “ad hoc committee …” proposing these changes ?
2. Why are these changes being proposed at this time, and why in this manner?
3. Given the substantial financial impact on lot owners who are relinquishing or exchanging lots, are adequate procedures in place for fairly resolving disputes with park management as to things such as ‘park standards” or property valuations.