Blue Zones in the World

Social Hour Friday, August 11th, 3pm in the Clubhouse
Have you ever heard of the Blue Zones? These areas have been identified as places where
people live far longer than the global average. Those living in these zones suffer fewer health issues such as cancer, heart attacks, cancer, strokes, obesity, and dementia. Studies indicate the folks in the zones share certain lifestyle activities.
Blue zones include certain areas of the following countries, including Okinawa, Italy, Greece, Costa Rica, and in the United States, Loma Linda, California. The interesting thing is when the population of the zones was invaded by modernity, death rates increased at earlier ages.
Juliete Palenshus of the Thrive Umpqua will tell us about the formation of the second Blue Zone project in Oregon. She will let us know where to shop and identify restaurants that have blue zone-wise items on the menu.
Come and enjoy our fun, snacks and information.

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One Response to Blue Zones in the World

  1. Bob, Robert L Paxton says:

    I’ll be there can’t wait to hear all about it!

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