TV Log July 14, 2024

If your mobile device does not allow you to view the entire Log, click this link to open the Log in a new window.

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Oh, By The Way…

First, it’s been brought to the attention of this writer that your rig’s water filters may require a little attention after the water line leak and repair a couple weeks back. Any break in a water line will introduce dirt and contaminants during the repair process. Because we’re on a chlorinated city water supply system, the chlorine will take care of any hazardous stuff and keep the water safe for drinking, but particulates like dirt, sand, etc. can still get to your rig and collect in your filters and faucet screens which will eventually slow the flow into your rig. So, keep your filters clean and your showers flowing.

and next… a REMINDER: ALL Committees are required to have a report to the members which you’ll present at the Annual Membership Meeting. It’s part of your responsibility as the chair and co-chair of the committee. Cover what you did during the year, highlighting any improvements and notable accomplishments. The tone should be a wrap up report… sort of a “state of the committee” message. Try to restrict this report to 1 page.

Thanks for your time.

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Social Hour Friday July 12 @ 3pm in the Clubhouse

Our speaker for the Social Hour will be Denise O’Brien. Denise has been practicing Yoga for 25 years. Her experience at WVU Medicine has helped many individuals with body mechanics. She has assisted Lee Albert with levels 1 and 2 with positional therapy. Lee Albert is a neuromuscular therapist who offers a step-by-step “manual” for our bodies to live pain-free.

Denise will teach yoga at 10am on Friday and discuss “Positional Therapy” at the Social Hour. Denise is Sharon Elliott’s daughter and taught chair yoga last year.

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Jacks & Jills Meeting Minutes for June 17, 2024

Every Timber Valley park resident is a member of Jacks & Jills, the activities group of the park. Meeting minutes are posted on the website under Organizations > Jacks & Jills – Activity Committee. View the meeting minutes for June 17, 2024.

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Movie Night – The Age Of Adaline – Thursday July 11 @ 5pm – Dining Room

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July 4th Festivities Recap!

The 4th of July festivities were a blast! Thanks so much to all! The parade was led by our military which had 18 decked out festive and patriotic entries and over 160 friends and neighbors sat out to rah rah as the parade went by. There was music, candy & bubbles! The Maybrys had the hot grill going so everyone could grill their meat just the way they wanted it for the potluck and the dining room was buzzing with all the yummy shared food brought by all.

The Penningtons hosted the rousing game of baseball…during the 9 innings of play the men and women were neck and neck but in the end the men won!

Thanks again for all for making the day so much fun!

—Karen Hofferber

A photo gallery is in progress! Please email pics to for inclusion in the gallery – thanks!

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A Little Chat About This and That

By Fred Prout

It’s Friday morning and I’m pooped. You know how it is. You have a day and night filled with fun and excitement and it’s hard to get to sleep. You pay for the next week in lost sleep. Well, I had to force myself to get up, get my third cup of java and sit down to report on the festivities.

Ratcheds, July fifth, 2024. The back table at the Ratcheds Senior Center. Quill and parchment at the ready. OK my trusty IPAD. Memory jogs provided by T Rex (fka) Thomas King, the beautiful Wanda, Harry Wartzenal, the lovely Tilda Morrow and Callie Marra. She recently bought Sal Minella’s Discount Fish Market and has been a great addition to our little town.

Shirley Shewill brings the much needed coffee pot and adds to the ambiance. “I don’t know if you guys are aware that my divorce is final and I’m taking my own name back.I’m a Knott again. Just like my sibs Willie, May, Dewey and his wife Summer Knott. So my full moniker is Shirley Knott Shewill Knott. How’s that for a mouthful.”

I look up and see Bill and Penny Short heading over. They’re new in town and both work at The Ratcheds Bank and Trust. Pulling up a chair, Penny chimes in “What a day. Do you celebrate the Fourth of July like this every year?” “ Well,” I answer, “ We went all out this year because T and Wanda didn’t march in the My-Oh-My parade last year. Wanda had a bum knee and was in too much pain. So, this year she strutted her stuff like a teenager. Green hat and feathered boas flying in the wind. The boas, not the hat.”

Wanda: “ It took forever to get to where I could even walk let alone march. It took a lot of hard work and T was there to help. I’m just glad my group was in front of the seagulls. The folks dressed up as seagulls had cans of whipped cream they used as make believe bird poop.”

T: “ Of course the Beagle Brigade in back of them worked very hard destroying the evidence. Getting off the subject for a minute, I’m really upset that Americans can’t get anything right these days. Last week we went to Boxco and bought a few things. Took Wanda for lunch. Buck fifty special. After we put everything away I opened the tub of M&Ms. They thought we wouldn’t notice but there were a whole bunch of Ws. When I was putting the 200 rolls of toilet paper away I saw at least 30 rolls were backwards.”

Wanda: “ Shut up T”

T: “Hmpphhh”

Bill Short: “ There goes Awilda Ness from Paradise Poetry . She took one look at me turned red as a beet and walked in the other direction. She saw my very distinctive Mustang in front of the Dispensary the other day. Decided to complain to my boss about having a druggie work at the bank.”

Yours truly: “So what happened?”

Penny: “Well they had a chuckle about it. That night Bill took the Mustang and I followed him. He parked in front of her house and I drove us home. The next morning the phone rang. ‘ Get that stupid car away from my house. I’ve had ten calls saying they know your husband spent the night here “

BS:PS:” As if…”

Jay and Kaye from The Square Circle Wine Shoppe grabbed mugs and wandered over. I noted that they had celebrated another anniversary yesterday. “ We don’t really have to celebrate,” said Kaye. “The whole town does it for us. All we have to do is dress up and march and party like crazy people.  Make sure you tell anyone who missed the party last night, Emcee, Mike Raffone introduced Colonel Dave And The Norman Invaders and the crowd went wild. Bonus Diaz got us started bouncing around to ‘Tequila’. My dad and Willie got into the action as usual. Last year he hurt himself dancing to Old Time Rock and Roll. I had to ask Dave not to play it just in case. Bonus did a great job keeping everyone going and raising glasses. She mentioned how she got her unusual name. She was a surprise late in life baby, so, her mom said she was a bonus. So, Bonus Diaz.”

The Damia sisters walk by and wave. They are new in town so I explained to all that Aggie Damia used to be a professor at the college over in Daisy. She’s fond of saying her sister, Maggie Damia is a real nut. They used to live in that retirement home in Daisy, but, she said it went corporate and started going downhill. Aggie joked that the management turned into a bunch of subservient does. Anything for a buck.

Callie:” Getting back to the party. Things got a little crazier after midnight. Chief Muldoon and Officer Toody had to escort a few revelers home in  car 54. Seems that someone started howling at the full moon and a couple dozen party goers joined in. That was bad enough, but, eight or ten dogs started to join the racket. Of course the full moon is two weeks away but nobody really cared. By the way, you are all invited to a fish fry tomorrow night at Callie Marra’s Calamari. Byo whatevers.”

I think I’ll head home, feed the dog and check my eye lids for leaks. I’ll finish this report later.

Well that’s the news from Ratcheds By The Sea. A little town on the coast where everyone is beautiful and at least one degree off center.

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Social Hour Friday July 5th @ 3pm in the Clubhouse

Thanks to Richard Hickethier, we have a great Social Hour planned for Friday. Ron Thomas is traveling all the way from Elkton to entertain us with his music. If you attend the Senior Center, you will be familiar with his music. He understands the population here and will take us a “Rompin Down Memory Lane.”

As usual, we will bring snacks and enjoy wine and each other.

–Sharon Elliott #36

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Henrietta Hedgehog and her Bulldog “Brutus” are Ready to Celebrate the Timber Valley July 4th Festivities!

Look who is all Patriotic this month! Henrietta Hedgehog and her pet  Bulldog, “Brutus,” are ready to celebrate The Fourth of July here at Timber Valley! They will be watching the Golf Cart Parade pass by their window box.

Happy Fourth from the Office and their mascots!

~ Kim and Karriann
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Warmer Weather Is On the Way – Conserving RV Electrical Use

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Join Us Thursday July 4 for Patriotic Fun!

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Reminder – Timber Valley Badge Order Deadline July 5

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Movie Night “Quigley Down Under” – Thursday June 27 @ 5pm

Quigley Down Under is a 1990 Western starring Tom Selleck as Matthew Quigley, an American frontiersmen and sharpshooter who travels down to Australia of the mid-19th Century to accept a job from a wealthy rancher (Alan Rickman) to use his skills in the outback. When he’s told the truth about the nature of his job, Quigley clashes with the rancher and finds himself stranded in the desert with a crazed woman who believes he is her dead husband.

Free popcorn! Cartoons at 5pm, movie at 5:30pm.

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Thanks to All for Solving Today’s Water Leak!

Randy (on his day off!) and many park members helped solve today’s water leak. Thanks to all who reported, communicated, and helped with the day-long unexpected work on a hot Saturday!

If you did not receive the Timber Valley alerts throughout today in your phone’s text messages or in your email, please sign up for alerts on our website’s Members Only page.

For those who do not subscribe to alerts, the 8:24pm – 8:26pm alerts state: “Leak is fixed. Tree roots got us again. Make sure to flush your outside faucet/hose for 10 or 15 minutes before running it into your rig. And you’d best be using bottled water or ultra-filtered water for a few days until the system has settled down. This was a tough one. Thanks, Randy”

We also have a small and dedicated water meter team reading the meter every Sunday to ensure that we are billed fairly and to monitor leaks. Today’s leak was observed and immediately reported by members, and we are very grateful. Today’s events demonstrated the Timber Valley co-op values! Thanks again to all!

Thank you Vicky Mount for the photos! View photo gallery.

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Card Bingo Schedule for July

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Important Chapter 9 Meeting – July 11 @ 9am

If you want to come to breakfast, please be in the Clubhouse by about 8 a.m. After breakfast we will have the most important meeting in the history of Chapter 9. Will someone step up and lead the group? Will we have to disband?? It’s just that simple: no leader? No CHAPTER NINE!

Please read the July newsletter for more info.

–Jackie Deal

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Communications Committee Bulletin Board Posting Standards

Many thanks to Thom Hoch, Suzi Rupert, and the Communications Committee (Comm Comm) for standardizing park bulletin board postings. Comm Comm is working next month on standardizing the Readerboard and Log to ensure that all park events are consistently and reliably available to all park members, renters, and visitors.

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Thanks to All Who Attended Art’s Birthday Party!

Thank you to everyone who attended Art Hampton’s birthday party! And to the family and friends who traveled here for the big event. 100+ people made a very festive occasion. Thank you Jacks and Jills and Chapter Nine for sponsoring the party. Thank you to all the volunteers who planned it, set up the rooms, prepared and served the delicious cakes, provided the entertainment and the amazing number of people who made clean up pretty darn easy.

I was proud and happy to be a member of Timber Valley Park today. Being part of such a warm and friendly and fun community is pretty special in today’s world. And it takes all of us to make it work – the members who present the event and the members who support that effort by showing up ready to have fun and lend a hand where needed.

We have our differences sometimes and being a self-managed community can be frustrating and hard work but days like today remind us how worthwhile it can be. One of our neighbors turned 100 years old today! And we celebrated that momentous event in grand style and with plenty of laughter.

At the recent Jack and Jills meeting we talked about the upcoming 4th of July golf cart parade. One of last year’s participants said that we not only need “paraders” we need spectators sitting outside their rigs and  “rah-rah-ing” those paraders. Today we had lots of rah-rah-ers and it makes it all worth it!

Thank you for participating today and let’s keep rah-rah-ing!

— Barbara Russell, party committee member

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Social Hour Friday June 21 @ 3pm

Debbie Hamilton will be our speaker on Friday. Debbie is a member of the City council and the President of the Music on Central. She will tell us all about the music makers, the food and drink providers and much more. Hamilton is a great speaker and contributor to making our town the pleasant place it is.

–Sharon Elliott

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Fire Season Is Here!

Fire season has begun, so please read the informative Douglas Forest Protective Association flyer below. The Timber Valley website posts the daily fire season level (Low, Moderate, High, Extreme) for your information and safety.

If your mobile device does not allow you to view the entire flyer, click this link to open it in a new window.

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