In Memoriam Karen Tetrick

Timber Valley’s flag dipped to honor Karen Tetrick who passed July 23, 2024. Karen was born in Salt Lake City, Utah on July 29, 1941. She and Bob were married Jan 20, 1973. Bob says they experienced a bad snowstorm in Utah and he was a day late for their wedding. They were married Jan 20 instead of the planned Jan 19.

Karen was a second grade teacher. She obtained her M.S. in Media Sciences from the
University of Utah and then served as a Media Coordinator. She retired in 1998 and they went RVing. At first they had a van and the women got to sleep inside while the men slept in a tent. They decided that wasn’t quite right so they got a Class A in 1977. They traveled all 49 states, to Alaska twice and into seven provinces. They traveled several years to spend Christmas in Mexico with friends.

Karen is survived by her husband Bob, their daughter Carrie and two grandchildren, Carlie and Colin. Bob is remaining in the park, lot 63.

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Flying Silverware and a hybrid

By Fred Prout

Question: What did the vulture tell her delinquent male child he was having for supper?

What does that have to do with the title of this story?
Absolutely nothing. But hopefully I got your attention. The answer is below. But only if you read the whole thing.

Sometimes the Home For Delinquent Seniors feels more like the home for the aged and infirm. A few days ago I found myself in a big room. We were celebrating this month’s birthdays. About nine of them. Very large room. Beautiful cake. Eight people singing Happy Birthday to nine people who couldn’t bother to make it to their own party. So… Rather than let it get me down, I searched my memory, sorry, I mean my imagination, and found the following.

I have mentioned that sometimes weeks fly by when you are looking for story material. Other times it literally flies in front of your eyes. Did that just happen? Or did I imagine it?

Maddie is a very lovely senior lady. Very prim and proper. Full of life. And stories. That morning Maddie sat with us at the big breakfast table. In the middle of a fascinating story about the joys of winter in North Dakota, a fork seemingly of its own volition, flew from her hand and landed on Dolly’s lap. At first Maddie wasn’t aware of the flying fork and continued the delivery process of scrambled eggs to mouth.

The rest of the table was aware but agog in disbelief. Said fork wasn’t thrown mid delivery. It just sailed across the table. I don’t pretend to know how it happened. It did and I saw it. Some wag even said “ Keep the eggs Maddie. Step away from the silverware.”

My new friend Tim joined us at the table. I could see he was distressed so I asked if all was well. Between sobs he said that now that he and Caryn were living at the Home he sold his beloved pickup. Not just a pickup, but, a PICKUP. Major lifestyle change and one that is obviously bothering him. But the best part of the situation, he said,they were going to go pick up her new Honda SUV and he would inherit her gently used PRIUS . A PRIUS for crying out loud .

He broke down in tears. As a good friend I have made it my mission to find a cheap bicycle horn for him to make him feel better. If you have one please let me know. I’ll go up to a buck fifty.

Now would be a good time to remind you that all the events and lovely people portrayed in my humble scribblings are strictly the result of a warped mind and overactive imagination. So put down the pitchforks and torches. None of the people and events are real. Trust me!!! Honest!!!

Answer to earlier question: “Carrion my wayward son. Carrion “

With apologies to Kansas. The musicians. Not the state.

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COVID on the Rise Again

Summer is here and with it comes the seasonal rise in COVID cases. Many areas of the country are experiencing consistent increases in COVID-19 activity. COVID-19 test positivity, emergency department visits, and rates of COVID-19–associated hospitalizations are increasing, particularly among adults 65+ and in western states. Recent increases in activity level are from very low levels in May 2024, when they were lower than at any time since March 2020. CDC will continue to closely monitor trends in COVID-19 activity.

Increased traveling, mixing in crowds and being close together in the air-conditioning all lead to spread of disease.

Let’s all work together and keep illness minimal in Timber Valley. Wash hands or use hand sanitizer and stay home or wear a mask if you feel ill.

Learn more from this Scientific American article: COVID Rates Are Rising Again. Why Does It Spread So Well in the Summer?

Melinda Stanfield
Lot #2

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A Little Chat About This and That

By Fred Prout

It’s Friday morning and I’m pooped. You know how it is. You have a day and night filled with fun and excitement and it’s hard to get to sleep. You pay for the next week in lost sleep. Well, I had to force myself to get up, get my third cup of java and sit down to report on the festivities.

Ratcheds, July fifth, 2024. The back table at the Ratcheds Senior Center. Quill and parchment at the ready. OK my trusty IPAD. Memory jogs provided by T Rex (fka) Thomas King, the beautiful Wanda, Harry Wartzenal, the lovely Tilda Morrow and Callie Marra. She recently bought Sal Minella’s Discount Fish Market and has been a great addition to our little town.

Shirley Shewill brings the much needed coffee pot and adds to the ambiance. “I don’t know if you guys are aware that my divorce is final and I’m taking my own name back.I’m a Knott again. Just like my sibs Willie, May, Dewey and his wife Summer Knott. So my full moniker is Shirley Knott Shewill Knott. How’s that for a mouthful.”

I look up and see Bill and Penny Short heading over. They’re new in town and both work at The Ratcheds Bank and Trust. Pulling up a chair, Penny chimes in “What a day. Do you celebrate the Fourth of July like this every year?” “ Well,” I answer, “ We went all out this year because T and Wanda didn’t march in the My-Oh-My parade last year. Wanda had a bum knee and was in too much pain. So, this year she strutted her stuff like a teenager. Green hat and feathered boas flying in the wind. The boas, not the hat.”

Wanda: “ It took forever to get to where I could even walk let alone march. It took a lot of hard work and T was there to help. I’m just glad my group was in front of the seagulls. The folks dressed up as seagulls had cans of whipped cream they used as make believe bird poop.”

T: “ Of course the Beagle Brigade in back of them worked very hard destroying the evidence. Getting off the subject for a minute, I’m really upset that Americans can’t get anything right these days. Last week we went to Boxco and bought a few things. Took Wanda for lunch. Buck fifty special. After we put everything away I opened the tub of M&Ms. They thought we wouldn’t notice but there were a whole bunch of Ws. When I was putting the 200 rolls of toilet paper away I saw at least 30 rolls were backwards.”

Wanda: “ Shut up T”

T: “Hmpphhh”

Bill Short: “ There goes Awilda Ness from Paradise Poetry . She took one look at me turned red as a beet and walked in the other direction. She saw my very distinctive Mustang in front of the Dispensary the other day. Decided to complain to my boss about having a druggie work at the bank.”

Yours truly: “So what happened?”

Penny: “Well they had a chuckle about it. That night Bill took the Mustang and I followed him. He parked in front of her house and I drove us home. The next morning the phone rang. ‘ Get that stupid car away from my house. I’ve had ten calls saying they know your husband spent the night here “

BS:PS:” As if…”

Jay and Kaye from The Square Circle Wine Shoppe grabbed mugs and wandered over. I noted that they had celebrated another anniversary yesterday. “ We don’t really have to celebrate,” said Kaye. “The whole town does it for us. All we have to do is dress up and march and party like crazy people.  Make sure you tell anyone who missed the party last night, Emcee, Mike Raffone introduced Colonel Dave And The Norman Invaders and the crowd went wild. Bonus Diaz got us started bouncing around to ‘Tequila’. My dad and Willie got into the action as usual. Last year he hurt himself dancing to Old Time Rock and Roll. I had to ask Dave not to play it just in case. Bonus did a great job keeping everyone going and raising glasses. She mentioned how she got her unusual name. She was a surprise late in life baby, so, her mom said she was a bonus. So, Bonus Diaz.”

The Damia sisters walk by and wave. They are new in town so I explained to all that Aggie Damia used to be a professor at the college over in Daisy. She’s fond of saying her sister, Maggie Damia is a real nut. They used to live in that retirement home in Daisy, but, she said it went corporate and started going downhill. Aggie joked that the management turned into a bunch of subservient does. Anything for a buck.

Callie:” Getting back to the party. Things got a little crazier after midnight. Chief Muldoon and Officer Toody had to escort a few revelers home in  car 54. Seems that someone started howling at the full moon and a couple dozen party goers joined in. That was bad enough, but, eight or ten dogs started to join the racket. Of course the full moon is two weeks away but nobody really cared. By the way, you are all invited to a fish fry tomorrow night at Callie Marra’s Calamari. Byo whatevers.”

I think I’ll head home, feed the dog and check my eye lids for leaks. I’ll finish this report later.

Well that’s the news from Ratcheds By The Sea. A little town on the coast where everyone is beautiful and at least one degree off center.

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Henrietta Hedgehog and her Bulldog “Brutus” are Ready to Celebrate the Timber Valley July 4th Festivities!

Look who is all Patriotic this month! Henrietta Hedgehog and her pet  Bulldog, “Brutus,” are ready to celebrate The Fourth of July here at Timber Valley! They will be watching the Golf Cart Parade pass by their window box.

Happy Fourth from the Office and their mascots!

~ Kim and Karriann
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Warmer Weather Is On the Way – Conserving RV Electrical Use

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Communications Committee Bulletin Board Posting Standards

Many thanks to Thom Hoch, Suzi Rupert, and the Communications Committee (Comm Comm) for standardizing park bulletin board postings. Comm Comm is working next month on standardizing the Readerboard and Log to ensure that all park events are consistently and reliably available to all park members, renters, and visitors.

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Thanks to All Who Attended Art’s Birthday Party!

Thank you to everyone who attended Art Hampton’s birthday party! And to the family and friends who traveled here for the big event. 100+ people made a very festive occasion. Thank you Jacks and Jills and Chapter Nine for sponsoring the party. Thank you to all the volunteers who planned it, set up the rooms, prepared and served the delicious cakes, provided the entertainment and the amazing number of people who made clean up pretty darn easy.

I was proud and happy to be a member of Timber Valley Park today. Being part of such a warm and friendly and fun community is pretty special in today’s world. And it takes all of us to make it work – the members who present the event and the members who support that effort by showing up ready to have fun and lend a hand where needed.

We have our differences sometimes and being a self-managed community can be frustrating and hard work but days like today remind us how worthwhile it can be. One of our neighbors turned 100 years old today! And we celebrated that momentous event in grand style and with plenty of laughter.

At the recent Jack and Jills meeting we talked about the upcoming 4th of July golf cart parade. One of last year’s participants said that we not only need “paraders” we need spectators sitting outside their rigs and  “rah-rah-ing” those paraders. Today we had lots of rah-rah-ers and it makes it all worth it!

Thank you for participating today and let’s keep rah-rah-ing!

— Barbara Russell, party committee member

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New Office Mascot – Grundy the Goat!

The Office would like to introduce a newly arrived friend for Henrietta Hedgehog. Please meet Grundy the Goat.

The Office has been very busy with the arrival of packages for our members and guests. This quaint and quirky sign was posted on the inside of the mailroom door to help with a laugh or two. Keeping with the prediction … the goat did arrive!

Thank you, Daphne Garrett for contributing to the prediction. “It is what it is!”

~ Kim
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In Memoriam: Marian Ruth Warne

For those of you who had the pleasure of knowing my sweet mom, Marian Ruth Warne, you will remember how she lived her life dedicated to serving others. Born on June 23, 1937, she grew up in Santa Rosa, California. She traveled the world as a military spouse and during this time gave birth to two daughters, Joni Kenner and Linda Feehs. In the 1970’s, she was introduced to her Savior Jesus Christ through the kindhearted mentorship of a friend, and dedicated her life to pleasing Him and to spread His love and blessings to those around her.

She met Bob Warne in the 1980’s and they were married on July 1, 1987. Bob and Ruth discovered early that they loved to take to the road in their RV. They bought their first RV in 1989, a brand new Dolphin Micro Mini Class C, and enjoyed traveling in it as well as the additional four RVs that they also purchased.  They have traveled to Alaska, Canada, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Minnesota, South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, New York, Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Colorado and Utah.

Ruth demonstrated Christ’s love by serving and sacrificing time and time again for her family, loved ones and friends. Whether it was making memories with her grandchildren, providing care to an elderly neighbor with no family in this country, or taking care of the needs of her family, she was always serving others. A memory that I will always hold dear is how she would cut out the middle of the watermelon, the sweetest and best part, and give it to my sister and me.

One of Ruth’s favorite Bible verses was “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15. I can think of no better way to describe my mom. Service, sacrificial love, heartfelt compassion, and unwavering faith depict how she chose to live her life. To our sweet wife, mom, grandma, sister, aunt, cousin and friend, until we see each other again, we will hold your memories dear to our hearts. We love you dearly.

–Linda Feehs

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There are important decisions to make. World shaking decisions, I must decide
what to wear, where to go, when to——whom to——.

Clean the cat’s box, Stupid

Things to do, places to go. The societal demands on my schedule are stupendous.
If I slack off…

Clean the cat’s box, Stupid

Phone calls to make. Messages to return. Events to plan. Meetings await.

Clean the cat’s box, Stupid

Sitting by the window, enjoying the early morning sunshine, coffee cup in hand. A
new day yawns before me awaiting my guidance.

Clean the cat’s box, Stupid

It’s then that I notice. My cat. My beautiful black and white tuxedo cat is circling
the room. She peers into her litter box. Backs off. Then completes a 360 degree
circle in the center of the room. She returns to peer into her litter box again.
Scowls at me in disgust.

Clean the cat’s box, Stupid

The world can wait. My life goes on hold. Priorities have been established.

Clean the cat’s box, Stupid

Jackie Deal

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JACK DUCUMMON, Lot 3, In Memoriam

Our community was deeply saddened by the news that Jack Ducummon, Lot 3, passed away on May 13, 2024, at age 82. Jack and his wife, Anita, have been members of Timber Valley for the past 11 years, getting their lot on March 4, 2013. They were high school sweethearts and married in 1962. They started their married life in Southern California but soon his job moved them to Chelalis, WA, where they raised 3 children, worked, and enjoyed life for more than 40 years.

Jack and Anita were exposed to camping in the wild outdoors from an early age, and carried this passion with them right up to the current time. They hit the road more or less full time in 2003 and sold their house in 2006. They were camphosts at Panguitch Lake in Utah for 4 summers at more than 8,000 feet of elevation, where they developed an exceptional ability to process oxygen in thin air.

They got on the AWL at Timber Valley in 2010 and got their lot in 2013. They were active on the Landscape Committee, the PCM Committee, and were the Park electric meter readers for many years. They also took care of the Jacks and Jills Ice Cream Bar freezer, stocking and restocking the frozen treats as needed. Jack had a quick wit that would catch you off-guard with his humor and, always, a wave from his deck when you passed by.

Jack is survived by Anita, sons Jack Jr. and Charles, and daughter Dorothy.

The entire Timber Valley community extends condolences to Anita and the family. Godspeed Jack Ducummon.

Jack Ducummon at the controls of Howard Hughes’ Spruce Goose at Evergreen Air and Space Museum in McMinnville, OR. The hat is a Howard Hughes replica. This is one of Anita’s favorite pictures of Jack.

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The Escapees flag at Timber Valley Park was dipped to half-staff on Friday, May 17 as members mourned the passing of Kristine Godbey.  Kristine was an active, caring, helpful member of Timber Valley since Nov. 18, 2015 and will be sorely missed by her many friends.

Kristine was born in Nashua, New Hampshire on Sept 14, 1955. She graduated from high school in Tulsa, Oklahoma and attended college at Colorado State University.  As an adult she lived in Virginia, California and Colorado and worked as a paralegal and an appraiser for a mortgage company.  She was married twice and had no children.

She was a loving and attentive daughter and sister and her cat, Sir Percival, aka. Percy, was her delight. Kristine was very involved in Emergency Preparedness for the park and in the Community Emergency Response Team.  She helped in many events even when her health was failing.  She had a ham radio license and was block captain for her neighborhood.

Kristine was an avid Mah Jongg player and weekly emailed the Mah Jongg players to be sure they would be ready to play.  She won more than her share of the games!

For several years she had not felt well and had numerous medical appointments.  No diagnosis was ever established and her health continued to deteriorate.  She was a very private person who tried not to show her discomfort. Her many friends did not realize the extent of her illness.  She continued to fulfill her volunteer roles even when as her Mother said, “She could hardly walk across the room she was so fatigued.” Her sister, Dianne, said, “She put others’ needs before her own.”

Her custom was to phone her Mother every morning to check on her.  On Friday she failed to phone and did not respond to her sister’s messages.  Her sister found her body about 1 p.m. on Friday and called the EMTs.  There will be no memorial service.  The family would welcome contributions in her name to Saving Grace.

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Electric Panel Update

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Celebration of Life for Michelle Van Westen – Saturday May 25, 2024 @ 1pm in the Clubhouse

There will be a Celebration of Life for Michelle in the clubhouse on Saturday, May 25th , 2024, from 1 to 3 p.m. Join David Van Westen, family, and friends for the afternoon of sharing, photos, memories and finger foods. Please sign up in the clubhouse.

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Unexpected Visitors

Please make sure the doors to the clubhouse are securely closed when you leave. On Thursday, May 9th, Stacy entered the big room to clean and found some intruders. There were 2 turkeys in the big room and they had left their droppings on the floor. She got them out but then had to clean the mess they left behind.
It only takes a few seconds to make sure the door is closed behind you. Thank you.

Sue Eytalis, Board President

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There’s a song extolling Ireland’s “forty shades of green” by Johnnie Cash. Look around us; doesn’t it seems like we have forty shades of green or more? Look very closely at the hillsides surrounding us. The grassy hills are a tender spring green, soon to be exchanged for a summer coat of tawny golden brown. But for now they’re that unique spring green.

The new leaves on the trees now budding out are a gentle soft green almost yellow-green and some of them are clothed in white and pink flowers. Mixed in with the new green are the greens of the more mature trees: mid-green, brownish green, even deep maroon with a green-black undertone. Many hades but all variants of green.
Behind, on the hills are the evergreen trees, mostly spruce or fir, but all shades of deep forest green. These trees stand sentinel, framing the valley hills. They hold everything together and provide a perfect picture frame.

Think about it. Aren’t we like the trees? We have the “old” timers in Timber Valley. They remember all that went into the earlier days of the park when members washed the windows and mopped the floors in the clubhouse. They are the evergreens, framing, holding the park together. Still standing strong.
The mid-greens have been here awhile. They volunteer, take part in things and rejoice in joining together. Some of them suffer from “burn-out”, trying to do more than their share.

Then we have the “newbies”. They’ve come into the park in the last couple of years and are still coming as older members leave. Some of them have jumped right in and are participating and helping out, some while still on the AWL. But there are others who say, “We’re retired. We didn’t come here to work. Let someone else do it.” Or words to that effect.
It takes all the forty shades of green to make our hillsides beautiful. It takes all our members, old, mid and new, to keep our park thriving and moving on into the future. Is it too much of a stretch to say: when all participate and do their share, our park will be more beautiful and worthwhile? We are the forty shades of green.

By Jackie Deal

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Tinka opened her eyes and pushed away the blanket of leaves that covered her.  She looked around, testing the temperature.  She stretched lazily as her gossamer wings unfolded and caught a beam of sunlight.  She smelled the rich earth and all the scents and sounds that heralded the start of spring.  Excitement overtook her as she thought of all the new births to come. Continue reading

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Safety Team Seeking Additional Members:

If you have had any safety & health experience as an employee in the workplace, a manager in industry or business, or as part of your profession, we encourage you to join us. Because of the many different hazards in a workplace, we must achieve the goal of a safe and healthful environment for our employees, contractors, and volunteers.

We look forward to you joining the Team.

Contact: John Froyd – 541-315-2092 – email:
or           Dar Hoch – 920-344-9914 – email:

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Sally Hunt Memorium

We lost our beloved Timber Valley member, Sally Hunt.  Sally passed on Monday evening, April 29.    Sally and her husband, Jim came to Timber Valley on October 23, 2014.  She was a kind, generous and compassionate woman with many talents including sewing, quilting, machine embroidery, crocheting,  glass etching, and many, many different crafts. Sally was  a much loved member of the Sit n Sew  group where she shared many of her talents,  Sally would help anyone and everyone.  She was active as a member of the Welcome Committee’s Contributing Members.  Many of you have welcome gifts made by Sally.  She never met a person she could not talk to and make welcome. Countless moments of joy and happiness with Sally were shared by many of us in the park.
Deepest sympathy to her husband, Jim, son Mike and his wife Cherelyn, daughter Melissa and her husband Dave, grandson James,  granddaughters Marissa and Miranda, and great-granddaughter Cassie, all of whom she loved endlessly.
Sally, we will miss you so much but look forward to catching glimpses of your angel flitting around the park!
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