Welcome New Members

John and Joan Millott are calling lot #41 home. They actually took possession three
years ago but with all their travels and Covid restrictions, we are just now meeting them. Both John and Joan worked in the electronics industry prior to retirement. They have been married for 59 years and have one daughter and 2 granddaughters. During the 14 years they have been RVing, they worked as Docents at the Visitor Center in Mendocino, CA. They love the California coast and their view at the Visitor
Center. Sedona, AZ is also a favorite.
Submitted by Bev Boykin Lot #87, Membership Committee

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3 Responses to Welcome New Members

  1. Peggy says:

    Welcome to Timber Valley, Joan & John!
    Now that we’re experiencing more freedom,
    enjoy getting out to meet & greet your new
    Lot 11

  2. Looking forward to getting to know you both better
    Jimmy and Julianne # 197

  3. Sharon Elliott says:

    Hummingbird Lane is a great street. Your neighbors welcome you to what ised to be the loneliest rig on the street. Sharon Elliott #36

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